CyberFab Control
Machine Stats
Machine Stats app provides comprehensive operation data for a particular machine from a given time period.
Built-in filters bring forward more detailed reports:
- CNC detailed report shows selected events, such as rapid traverse movements, cutting, interruptions, error messages etc., that were active during the processing of a specific program
- Machine activity log contains a summary of the machine’s operation conditions, error messages etc. The information can also be filtered by user logged in at the particular times
- Technology usage report shows an overview of used technological operations with details of individual parameter groups that were used by the machine in a certain time period. For example, parameter groups for plasma can be straight and bevel cutting, marking and punching
- Technology or tool components report lists consumable materials used on a particular tool station, for example consumables for a particular plasma source used on a specific cutting head, either currently in use or history. There is also a statistical option that relates the consumables to other data, such as technological operations